Msc research practice knowledge, technology and innovation  

Contents: The MSc Research Practice is a research project under supervision of a Wageningen university supervisor that replaces the internship in the programme of the student (only possible for students of MSc programmes that allow students to choose for a Research Practice). The Research Practice should differ from a regular thesis in the following way: the Research Practice has additional learning outcomes related to career preparation and personal development; the Research Practice has additional assessment criteria related to the above mentioned additional learning outcomes. Learning outcomes: After successful completion of the MSc research practice, the student is expected to be able to: evaluate career interests and ambitions in relation to the research project and reflect on professional ambitions and capabilities; develop a research plan, including: a description of the research topic in relation to the wider scientific context; identification of the knowledge gap; formulation of research questions and/or a hypothesis, aims and objectives; an explanation of how you intend to conduct the research (e.g. in terms of a design for the project, data-collection and -analysis methods, research tools); collect, select and process data, using the design for the project, methods and tools described in the research plan; analyse and synthesise the data in order to answer the research questions and/or test the hypothesis; formulate answers to the research questions that are supported by the research outcomes; pay attention to potential limitations; critically discuss the outcomes in relation to the wider scientific and societal context; report on the research, both in writing and in oral presentation; work in compliance with academic codes of conduct and with proper management of time and resources; make use of input and feedback for executing the research project and provide feedback to others; define personal learning goals, which could include domain-specific skills, and reflect on development therein. The student should formulate at least two specific personal learning goals in consultation and agreement with the supervisor. Activities: research proposal and planning: the student prepares by reading literature related to the project, formulating research question/hypothesis and proposing approaches and methods; carrying out the research project: the student executes research activities and document findings and sources carefully; feedback: the student receives and processes feedback while working on the project and provides feedback to other students and staff; research report: the student writes a comprehensive, consistent and concise report containing all the elements of a full scientific paper in the discipline of the chair group; reflection report: the student reflects on the academic skills applied or learned during the Research Practice, the general and personal learning goals that have been achieved (or are still to be achieved) and the contribution of the Research Practice to the student’s career interests and ambitions; oral presentation: the student presents major research findings to other MSc students and staff members of the Chair Group; oral defence: the student defends the Research Practice and development of scientific skills and attitude, and places results and conclusions in the wider context of the field of science.
Msc research practice knowledge, technology and innovation

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The statements made herein do not necessarily have the consent or agreement of the ASTRAIOS Consortium. These represent the opinion and findings of the author(s).